Established in 1984 Mistral is proud to be widely considered the 'generic' software system provider for the refrigeration & air conditioning industry. In its domestic market, Mistral software is used by more than 85% of refrigeration & air conditioning contracting firms and programs have been distributed to over 25,000 users in over 140 countries around the world.

Why? Mistral's systems pay for themselves - often the very first time they are used. They go on saving money and helping to secure customer orders. Enhancing competitiveness, professionalising sales presentations, satisfying 'End User' specifications, eliminating costly mistakes, reducing staff costs and meeting formal Quality Assurance procedures - over and over and over again.

disagree_120x240 So you disagree with a policy that licence fees to access the products of MISTRAL's investment, research, development work and intellectual property should be spread evenly across each member of the RAC industry that benefits from it.

Please complete the form below with your name & email address, answering the few simple questions we respectfully ask to help us provide you with the best possible service and writing your comments in the box provided. Click the Submit button at the bottom of this page to send the data.

The information you provide on this form will not be divulged to any third party or stored in any data retrieval system for longer than it takes for us to deal with your enquiry or to answer your questions.

Q. 1 

Please use this form to tell us why you disagree (or agree).
     I agree with you completely
     You have a point but I don't agree completely
     I don't understand Mistral's argument for its pricing policy
     Please tell me more about the reasons behind Mistral's pricing policy
     I disagree because... (please use Comments Box below)
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Email: required
Country: required
Web Page: optional

Comments:- required


This 5,000+ page website and which you are visiting right now at no cost to yourself, or to your perhaps many colleagues in your organisation, did not appear by magic. It was written and is maintained daily by paid staff in Mistral's organisation.

Mistral is obliged to maintain its websites to help generate the income needed to meet the eyewatering costs demanded of world class Expert System Software development along with its DAILY maintenance.

You had the choice as to whether or not to visit Mistral's website and to read it. As you also have the choice as whether or not to avail your organisation of the benefit of the hundreds of thousands of man hours Mistral Associates has invested over the past 38 years and continues to invest daily in researching RAC technology, along with advanced Expert System Software development.

In the final analysis you have two choices:-

1. Pay and enhance your profits.


2. Go without.

No one is forcing you to buy!

Mistral's commitment:
Bringing the benefits of computerisation to our industry - without the historically associated problems.