The following are my RIGHTS to freedom of expression.  My opinions!

By what name would you, if a 'Woke', apply to me? That is, without offending me!

Positive discrimination is not a good thing. The BLM movement, is not a good thing. Both are counter productive at boosting diversity. Only those with an extremely low IQ could ever think the opposite. The evidence speaks for itself!

An Eg: I recently saw a TV commercial featuring a Caucasian actor. To whom should I write to complain?

Woke parents forcing their juvenile, pre-pubescent, immature, male progeny to wear skirts (normally associated with females in Western culture) and identify as girls is not clever. It is child abuse. There are better ways of accepting the fewer than 1% in society who are clearly not naturally, that is naturally normal, sexually.

Normal is not a word meant to offend gays. 'Normal' refers only to mathematical fact of ratio. Get used to it.

Victims of rape and sexual abuse are NOT survivors. They are victims. Calling a victim a survivor does not evoke sympathy. It does not elevate their status, instead it makes a mockery of it! Do not attempt to retrospectively alter the established meaning of words. It debases both the words and the people to whom these words are applied. It also insults millions for whom, unfortunately for them, can warrant claim to the word survivor. Trivialising their past terrible misfortune and suffering. The survivors of Nazi Death Camps for example, or of Hiroshima, or of 9/11. Sexual abuse and rape are terrible crimes. As is being burned alive!

Victims are victims. Survivors are survivors. The word victim is equally as powerful a word as survivor. So stop confusing the words and get used to it. Even if by doing so you must first improve your education.

Marriage is society's formal recognition of two people of opposite sexes forming a legally recognised status of agreement for a life long union. In many cultures it also means to procreate and provide a safe and wholesome environment for children. The meaning of marriage, also translated, has been consistent in practically every nation in the world, for multiple millennium. No one has a right to change that. Especially not retrospectively. Especially not to the detriment of others. Others who, incidentally, represent the vast majority.

No one has the right to retrospectively change the status of my relationship and legal status with my wife!

If you are gay then I despise you for usurping marriage. I do not despise you for being gay but if you hold the view that you have formed a lifelong partnership with another member of your own sex, which incidentally I have no quarrel with, but if you call that marriage then you are not welcome in my home. Nor would I ever consider employing you nor being employed by you. Or your partner. Apply another name for your relationship or even make one up. You might just gain the respect from society you crave by doing so.

Don't forget. There are none so easy to offend as those who are obsessed with going out of their way to claim offence. Claiming offence is easy. Especially by those bearing unwarranted grudges or perversions.

The old adage; 'When in Rome do as the Romans do.', has never been more relevant than it is today.

So called Wokes are destroying civilisation. Wokes have a right to their opinion too of course. However, publicising their views by offending others is grossly hypocritical. Wokes need to work that out for themselves. And soon!