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The first section shows multipliers arranged in alphabetical order of the source unit.

The second section shows alphabetically arranged corresponding divisors.
The second section has been included in favour of reciprocal multipliers. So as to avoid rounding error differences when used in conjunction with multipliers in the first section.

Second Section (divisors)

acres ÷ 2.471 = hectares
acres ÷ 0.000023 = square feet
acres ÷ 247.1 = square kilometres
acres ÷ 0.000247 = square metres
acres ÷ 640 = square miles
acres ÷ 0.000207 = square yards
ampere ÷ 10 = abampere
ampere ÷ 10 = biot
ampere ÷ 10 = electromagnetic unit of current
ampere ÷ 3.33564E-10 = electrostatic unit of current
ampere ÷ 3.33564E-10 = statampere
ampere (absolute) ÷ 96500 = faraday/second
ampere (absolute) ÷ 0.9998 = international ampere
ampere per metre ÷ 79.57747 = oersted
ampere-hours ÷ 26.8 = faradays
ampere-turns ÷ 0.7957747 = gilberts
amp-turns/centimetre ÷ 0.7958 = gilberts/centimetre
amp-turns/inch ÷ 2.021 = gilberts/centimetre
amp-turns/metre ÷ 79.581 = gilberts/centimetre
astronomical unit ÷ 6.68E-09 = kilometres
astronomical unit ÷ 63239.7 = light-year
atmospheres ÷ 0.9869 = bars
atmospheres ÷ 0.01316 = centimetres of mercury
atmospheres ÷ 0.000000987 = dyne/square centimetre
atmospheres ÷ 0.0295 = feet of water
atmospheres ÷ 0.03342 = inches of mercury
atmospheres ÷ 0.002458 = inches of water (at 4ºC)
atmospheres ÷ 0.9678 = kilograms/square centimetre
atmospheres ÷ 0.0000968 = kilograms/square metre
atmospheres ÷ 0.000473 = pounds/square foot
atmospheres ÷ 0.06804 = pounds/square inch
bars ÷ 0.000001 = dynes/square centimetre
bars ÷ 0.0000981 = kilograms/square metre
becquerel (Bq) ÷ 37000000000 = curie
Btu ÷ 3.413 = Watt-hours
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 9.48E-11 = ergs
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 0.001286 = foot-pounds
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 0.0039683 = gram-calories
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 0.000000093 = gram-calories
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 2547 = horsepower-hours
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 0.000948 = joules
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 3.968 = kilogram-calories
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 0.00929 = kilogram-metres
Btu (British thermal unit) ÷ 3413 = kilowatt-hours
Btu (British thermal unit) (mean) ÷ 0.00396832 = calorie gram (mean)
Btu (mean)/minute ÷ 0.056884 = Watts (absolute)
Btu per hour ÷ 12000 = tons refrigeration
Btu/hour ÷ 4.6263 = foot-pounds/second
Btu/hour ÷ 14.286 = gram-calories/second
Btu/hour ÷ 33479 = horsepower (boiler)
Btu/hour ÷ 3.4129 = Watts
Btu/lb ÷ 0.42988 = kilojoules/kilogram
Btu/lb/Rankine ÷ 0.23882 = kilojoules/kilogram/kelvin
Btu/minute ÷ 0.00000569 = ergs/second
Btu/minute ÷ 0.001286 = foot-pounds/minute
Btu/minute ÷ 0.07717 = foot-pounds/second
Btu/minute ÷ 42.44 = horsepower
Btu/minute ÷ 56.92 = kilowatts
Btu/minute ÷ 0.05688 = Watts
bushels ÷ 0.25 = pecks (US)
bushels (dry) ÷ 0.8036 = cubic feet
bushels (dry) ÷ 28.38 = cubic metres (cubic m)
bushels (US dry) ÷ 0.02838 = litres
candela per square metre ÷ 1550.003 = candela per square inch
candela per square metre ÷ 3.426259 = foot lambert
candela per square metre ÷ 3183.099 = lambert
candela per square metre ÷ 10000 = stilb
carat (metric) ÷ 5 = grams
celsius (°C) ÷ 0.55555 then deduct 32 = Fahrenheit
centimetre ÷ 114.3 = ell
centimetre ÷ 0.4233 = em (pica)
centimetre ÷ 10.16 = hand
centimetre of mercury ÷ 76 = atmospheres
centimetre/second ÷ 44.7 = miles/hour
centimetre-dynes ÷ 980.7 = centimetre-grams
centimetre-dynes ÷ 98100000 = metre-kilograms
centimetre-dynes ÷ 13600000 = pound-feet
centimetre-grams ÷ 0.00102 = centimetres-dynes
centimetre-grams ÷ 100000 = metre-kilograms
centimetre-grams ÷ 13825 = pound-feet
centimetres ÷ 30.48 = feet
centimetres ÷ 2.54 = inches
centimetres ÷ 100000 = kilometres
centimetres ÷ 100 = metres
centimetres ÷ 161000 = miles (statute)
centimetres ÷ 0.1 = millimetres
centimetres ÷ 0.00254 = mils
centimetres ÷ 91.44 = yards
centimetres/hour/second ÷ 27.78 = kilometres/hour/second
centimetres/second ÷ 0.508 = feet/minute (fpm)
centimetres/second ÷ 30.48 = feet/second
centimetres/second ÷ 27.78 = kilometres/hour
centimetres/second ÷ 1.667 = metres/minute
centimetres/second ÷ 2682 = miles/minute
centimetres/second/second ÷ 30.48 = feet/second/second
centimetres/second/second ÷ 100 = metres/second/second
centimetres/second/second ÷ 44.7 = miles/hour/second
chain (Gunter's) ÷ 0.25 = rod
circular mils ÷ 197000 = square centimetres
circular mils ÷ 183000000 = square feet
circular mils ÷ 1270000 = square inches
circular mils ÷ 1973 = square millimetres
circular mils ÷ 1.273 = square mils
cord feet ÷ 8 = cords
coulomb ÷ 10 = abcoulomb
coulomb ÷ 10 = electromagnetic unit of charge
coulomb ÷ 3.33564E-10 = electrostatic unit of charge (franklin)
coulomb ÷ 96485.31 = faraday (carbon 12)
coulomb ÷ 3.33566E-10 = franklin
coulomb ÷ 3.33564E-10 = statcoulomb
coulomb metre ÷ 3.33564E-30 = debye
coulomb per kilogram ÷ 0.000258 = rontgen
coulomb per mole ÷ 96495.7 = faraday (chemical)
coulomb per mole ÷ 96521.9 = faraday (physical)
coulombs ÷ 3600 = ampere-hours
coulombs/square centimetre ÷ 0.155 = coulombs/square inch
coulombs/square centimetre ÷ 0.0001 = coulombs/square metre
coulombs/square inch ÷ 64.52 = coulombs/square centimetre
coulombs/square inch ÷ 0.0006452 = coulombs/square metre
coulombs/square metre ÷ 10000 = coulombs/square centimetre
coulombs/square metre ÷ 1550 = coulombs/square inch
cubic centimetre ÷ 18180 = bucket (British dry)
cubic centimetre ÷ 28320 = cubic feet
cubic centimetre ÷ 1000000 = cubic metres
cubic centimetre ÷ 236.5882 = cup (US)
cubic centimetre ÷ 3.6967 = drams(US fluid or apoth.)
cubic centimetre ÷ 142.0653 = gills (British)
cubic centimetre ÷ 473.1765 = pints (US liquid)
cubic centimetre (cc) ÷ 16.387 = cubic inches
cubic centimetre (cc) ÷ 3785.412 = gallons (US)
cubic centimetre (cc) ÷ 1000 = litres
cubic centimetre (cc) ÷ 0.059192 = minims (British medical)
cubic centimetre (cc) ÷ 0.061612 = minims (US fluid)
cubic centimetre (cc) ÷ 4.928922 = teaspoons (US)
cubic centimetre/second ÷ 472 = cfm (cubic feet/minute)
cubic centimetre/second ÷ 472 = cubic feet/minute (cfm)
cubic centimetres ÷ 764600 = cubic yards
cubic centimetres ÷ 568.26125 = pints (British)
cubic centimetres ÷ 550.6105 = pints (US dry)
cubic centimetres ÷ 946.4 = quarts (liquid)
cubic feet ÷ 43560 = acre-feet
cubic feet ÷ 1.2445 = bushels
cubic feet ÷ 16 = cord feet
cubic feet ÷ 0.0005787 = cubic inches
cubic feet ÷ 35.31 = cubic metres
cubic feet ÷ 27 = cubic yards
cubic feet ÷ 0.1337 = gallons (US)
cubic feet ÷ 10.114 = hogsheads (British)
cubic feet ÷ 8.42184 = hogsheads (US)
cubic feet ÷ 0.03531 = litres
cubic feet ÷ 0.01671 = pints (US liquid)
cubic feet ÷ 0.01602 = pounds of water
cubic feet ÷ 0.03342 = quarts (liquid)
cubic feet/hour ÷ 8.0208 = gallons(US)/minute
cubic feet/hour ÷ 1.3349 = tons of water/24 hours
cubic feet/second ÷ 0.45 = cubic yards/minute
cubic feet/second ÷ 0.002228 = gallons(US)/minute
cubic feet/second ÷ 0.000589 = litres/minute
cubic feet/second ÷ 1.54723 = million gallons/day
cubic feet/second ÷ 0.000267 = pounds of water/minute
cubic foot ÷ 0.0000353 = cubic centimetre
cubic inch ÷ 2150.4 = bushels
cubic inch ÷ 0.6103 = centilitre
cubic inch ÷ 0.06102374 = cubic centimetre
cubic inches ÷ 7056 = barrels (US dry)
cubic inches ÷ 1728 = cubic feet
cubic inches ÷ 61023 = cubic metres
cubic inches ÷ 46656 = cubic yards
cubic inches ÷ 231 = gallons (US)
cubic inches ÷ 61.02 = litres
cubic inches ÷ 0.00000943 = mil-feet
cubic inches ÷ 1.805 = ounces (fluid)
cubic inches ÷ 554.6 = pecks (British)
cubic inches ÷ 537.605 = pecks (US)
cubic inches ÷ 34.67743 = pints (British)
cubic inches ÷ 33.6003125 = pints (US dry)
cubic inches ÷ 28.875 = pints (US liquid)
cubic inches ÷ 27.68 = pounds of water
cubic inches ÷ 67.2 = quarts (dry)
cubic inches ÷ 57.75 = quarts (liquid)
cubic metre ÷ 1233.489 = acre-feet
cubic metre ÷ 0.000001 = cubic centimetre
cubic metre ÷ 0.000284131 = cup (UK)
cubic metre ÷ 0.000000001 = lambda
cubic metre ÷ 0.5773534 = leaguer
cubic metre ÷ 2.831685 = register ton (ship's)
cubic metre ÷ 1 = stere
cubic metres ÷ 0.03636872 = bushels (UK)
cubic metres ÷ 0.03523907 = bushels (US)
cubic metres ÷ 3.624556 = cords
cubic metres ÷ 0.02831685 = cubic feet
cubic metres ÷ 1.63871E-05 = cubic inches
cubic metres ÷ 4168182000 = cubic miles
cubic metres ÷ 0.7645549 = cubic yards
cubic metres ÷ 0.00454609 = gallons (Imperial)
cubic metres ÷ 0.003785 = gallons (US)
cubic metres ÷ 0.001 = litres
cubic metres ÷ 0.000473 = pints (US liquid)
cubic metres ÷ 0.000946 = quarts (liquid)
cubic metres/second ÷ 2.73118E-07 = cubic inches per minute
cubic metres/second ÷ 0.01274258 = cubic yards/minute
cubic millimetre ÷ 1000 = cubic centimetre
cubic yard ÷ 0.00000131 = cubic centimetre
cubic yards ÷ 0.037037037 = cubic feet
cubic yards ÷ 0.0000214 = cubic inches
cubic yards ÷ 1.307951 = cubic metres
cubic yards ÷ 0.004951 = gallons (US)
cubic yards ÷ 0.00131 = litres
cubic yards ÷ 0.000619 = pints (US liquid)
cubic yards ÷ 0.00124 = quarts (liquid)
day ÷ 365.25 = year (mean over 4 years)
days ÷ 0.04166667 = hours (mean solar)
decibels ÷ 8.686 = nepers
degrees ÷ 0.01667 = minutes (angles)
degrees ÷ 90 = quadrants (angle)
degrees ÷ 57.29578 = radians
degrees ÷ 360 = revolutions
degrees ÷ 0.000278 = second (angle)
degrees Celsius ÷ 0.55555 = degrees Fahrenheit deduct 32
degrees Celsius deduct 273.15 = Kelvin
degrees Fahrenheit ÷ 1.8 + 32 = celsius (°C)
degrees/second ÷ 57.29578 = radians/second
degrees/second ÷ 6 = revolutions/minute (rpm)
degrees/second ÷ 360 = revolutions/second
drachm (British fluid) ÷ 0.2815606 = cubic centimetre
dram ÷ 0.56438339 = grams
dram (US fluid) ÷ 0.2705122 = cubic centimetre
drams ÷ 2.705 = centilitre
drams ÷ 16 = ounces (oz or ozs)
drams ÷ 256 = pounds (lbs)
dyne-centimetre/second ÷ 1 = erg/second
dyne-centimetres ÷ 1 = ergs
dynes ÷ 980.7 = grams
dynes ÷ 10000000 = joules/centimetre
dynes ÷ 980665 = kilograms
dynes ÷ 980665 = kilograms/square centimetre
dynes ÷ 100000 = newton
dynes ÷ 13826 = poundals
dynes ÷ 445000 = pounds
dynes/square centimetre ÷ 1000000 = bars
dynes/square centimetre ÷ 4309 = ounces/square inch
erg/second ÷ 10000000 = Watts
erg/square millimetre ÷ 0.01 = dyne/centimetre
ergs ÷ 10600000000 = Btu (British thermal unit)
ergs ÷ 13600000 = foot-pounds
ergs ÷ 0.000000419 = gram-calories
ergs ÷ 980.7 = gram-centimetres
ergs ÷ 2.68E+13 = horsepower-hours
ergs ÷ 10000000 = joules
ergs ÷ 98000000 = kilogram-metres
ergs ÷ 3.6E+13 = kilowatt-hours
ergs ÷ 36000000000 = Watt-hours
erg-second ÷ 6.62E-27 = Plank's quantum
farad ÷ 1000000000 = abfarad
farad ÷ 1.11265E-12 = electrostatic unit of capacitance
farad ÷ 1.11265E-12 = statfarad
faradays ÷ 0.03731 = ampere-hours
faradays ÷ 0.0000104 = coulombs
farads ÷ 0.000001 = microfarad
fathom ÷ 0.5 = yards
feet ÷ 0.03281 = centimetres
feet ÷ 6 = fathoms
feet ÷ 660 = furlongs
feet ÷ 0.08333333 = inches
feet ÷ 3280.84 = kilometres
feet ÷ 3.281 = metres
feet ÷ 6080.27 = miles (nautical)
feet ÷ 5280 = miles (statute)
feet ÷ 0.00328 = millimetres
feet ÷ 0.0000833 = mils
feet ÷ 16.5 = rods
feet of water ÷ 0.4461 = centimetres of mercury
feet of water ÷ 1.133 = inches of mercury
feet of water ÷ 32.81 = kilograms/square centimetre
feet of water ÷ 0.00328 = kilograms/cubic metre
feet of water ÷ 0.01602 = pounds/square foot
feet of water ÷ 2.307 = pounds/square inch
feet of water (at 4°C) ÷ 33.9 = atmospheres
feet/hour ÷ 6080 = knots
feet/minute ÷ 1.1969 = centimetres/second
feet/minute ÷ 54.68 = kilometres/hour
feet/minute ÷ 3.281 = metres/minute
feet/minute ÷ 196.8 = metres/second
feet/minute ÷ 88 = miles/hour
feet/second ÷ 0.03281 = centimetres/second
feet/second ÷ 0.01667 = feet/minute
feet/second ÷ 0.9113 = kilometres/hour
feet/second ÷ 1.689 = knots
feet/second ÷ 0.05468 = metres/minute
feet/second ÷ 3.281 = metres/second
feet/second ÷ 1.467 = miles/hour
feet/second ÷ 88 = miles/minute
feet/second/second ÷ 0.03281 = centimetres/second/second
feet/second/second ÷ 0.9113 = kilometres/hour/second
feet/second/second ÷ 3.281 = metres/second/second
feet/second/second ÷ 1.467 = miles/hour/second
feet-lbs/minute ÷ 0.00000443 = ergs/second
feet-lbs/second ÷ 7.38E-08 = ergs/second
foot ÷ 3 = yards
foot-candles ÷ 1 = lumens/square foot
foot-candles ÷ 0.0929 = lux
foot-lbs/minute ÷ 44300 = kilowatts
foot-lbs/minute ÷ 44.27 = Watts
foot-lbs/second ÷ 550 = horsepower
foot-lbs/second ÷ 737.6 = kilowatts
foot-lbs/second ÷ 0.7378 = Watts
foot-pounds ÷ 7.37E-08 = ergs
foot-pounds ÷ 3.088 = gram-calories
foot-pounds ÷ 1980000 = horsepower-hours
foot-pounds ÷ 0.7376 = joules
foot-pounds ÷ 3088 = kilogram-calories
foot-pounds ÷ 7.233 = kilogram-metres
foot-pounds ÷ 2660000 = kilowatt-hours
foot-pounds ÷ 2656 = Watt-hours
foot-pounds/minute ÷ 33000 = horsepower
foot-pounds/second ÷ 0.01667 = foot-pounds/minute
gallon (Brit liquid) ÷ 0.00022 = cubic centimetre
gallon (US liquid) ÷ 0.000264 = cubic centimetre
gallon parts/million ÷ 14.286 = grains/Imperial gallon
gallons ÷ 325900 = acre-feet
gallons ÷ 31.5 = barrels (US liquid)
gallons ÷ 0.004329 = cubic inches
gallons ÷ 0.1198 = pounds of water
gallons ÷ 0.25 = quarts (liquid)
gallons (British) ÷ 0.125 = pints (British)
gallons (Imperial) ÷ 0.83267 = gallons (US)
gallons (oil) ÷ 42 = barrels (oil)
gallons (US liquid) ÷ 7.48052 = cubic feet
gallons (US liquid) ÷ 264.2 = cubic metres
gallons (US liquid) ÷ 202 = cubic yards
gallons (US liquid) ÷ 1.20094 = gallons (liquid British Imperial)
gallons (US liquid) ÷ 0.2642 = litres
gallons (US) ÷ 63 = hogsheads (US)
gallons (US) ÷ 0.125 = pints (US liquid)
gallons/minute ÷ 448.831 = cubic feet/second
gallons/minute ÷ 0.16643 = tons of water/24 hours
gallons/second ÷ 0.1247 = cubic feet/minute
gallons/second ÷ 3.367 = cubic yards/minute
gallons/second ÷ 0.0044 = litres/minute
gauses ÷ 0.155 = lines/square inch
gausses ÷ 1 = lines/square centimetre
gausses ÷ 15500000 = webers/square inch
gausses ÷ 10000 = webers/square metre
gilberts ÷ 1.257 = ampere-turns
gills (British) ÷ 4 = pints (British)
gills (US) ÷ 4 = pints (US liquid)
gms/centimetre ÷ 178.6 = pounds/inch
gms/cubic centimetre ÷ 27.68 = pounds/cubic inch
gms/cubic centimetre ÷ 2310000 = pounds/mil-foot
grains ÷ 27.3437 = drams
grains ÷ 15.43 = grams
grains ÷ 0.01543236 = milligrams
grains ÷ 437.5 = ounces
grains ÷ 480 = ounces (troy)
grains ÷ 24 = pennyweights (troy)
grains ÷ 7000 = pounds
grains ÷ 5760 = pounds (troy)
grains (avoirdupois) ÷ 1 = grains (troy)
grains/gal (US) ÷ 58.417 = grams/litre
grains/US gallon ÷ 0.058419 = ppm (parts per million)
gram ÷ 0.2 = carat (metric)
gram per 9000 metre ÷ 1 = denier
gram per metre ÷ 0.000111111 = denier
gram-calories ÷ 2.39E-08 = ergs
gram-calories ÷ 0.3238 = foot-pounds
gram-calories ÷ 641190 = horsepower-hours
gram-calories ÷ 859850 = kilowatt-hours
gram-calories ÷ 859.85 = Watt-hours
grams ÷ 0.01 = centigrams
grams ÷ 0.1 = decigrams
grams ÷ 10 = dekagrams
grams ÷ 1.7718 = drams
grams ÷ 0.00102 = dynes
grams ÷ 0.06479891 = grains (troy)
grams ÷ 100 = hectograms
grams ÷ 10200 = joules/centimetre
grams ÷ 1000 = kilograms
grams ÷ 0.001 = milligrams
grams ÷ 28.349523 = ounces
grams ÷ 31.103481 = ounces (troy)
grams ÷ 28.349523 = oz or ozs (ounce)
grams ÷ 1.555174 = pennyweights (troy)
grams ÷ 14.1 = poundals
grams ÷ 453.5924 = pounds
grams ÷ 373.24177 = pounds (troy)
grams/cubic centimetre ÷ 0.001 = kilograms/cubic metre
grams/cubic centimetre ÷ 0.01602 = pounds/cubic foot
grams-centimetre ÷ 0.00102 = ergs
hectare ÷ 0.4047 = acre
henries ÷ 0.001 = millihenries
henry ÷ 0.000000001 = abhenry
henry ÷ 0.000000001 = electromagnetic unit of inductance
henry ÷ 8.98755E+11 = electrostatic unit of inductance
henry ÷ 8.98755E+11 = stathenry
hertz ÷ 1 = cycle per second
horsepower ÷ 1.34E-10 = ergs/second
horsepower ÷ 0.0000303 = foot-pounds/minute
horsepower ÷ 0.000818 = foot-pounds/second
horsepower ÷ 0.9863 = horsepower (metric)
horsepower ÷ 1.341 = kilowatts
horsepower ÷ 0.00134 = Watts
horsepower (metric) ÷ 0.00136 = Watts
horsepower-hour ÷ 0.00000156 = calorie
horsepower-hour (metric) ÷ 0.00000158 = calorie
horsepower-hours ÷ 3.73E-14 = ergs
horsepower-hours ÷ 0.00000156 = gram-calories
horsepower-hours ÷ 1.341 = kilowatt-hours
horsepower-hours ÷ 0.00134 = Watt-hours
hour ÷ 168 = week
hour ÷ 8766 = year (mean over 4 years)
hp-hours ÷ 0.000000505 = foot-pounds
hp-hours ÷ 0.00156 = kilogram-calories
inch ÷ 0.167 = em (pica)
inch ÷ 9 = span
inch of mercury ÷ 0.8826 = feet of water
inch of mercury (at 0°C) ÷ 29.92 = atmospheres
inch of water (at 4°C) ÷ 406.8 = atmospheres
inches ÷ 0.00000394 = angstrom unit
inches ÷ 0.01 = caliber
inches ÷ 0.3937 = centimetres
inches ÷ 792 = chain
inches ÷ 45 = ell
inches ÷ 39370 = kilometres
inches ÷ 12 = links (engineer's)
inches ÷ 7.92 = links (surveyor's)
inches ÷ 39.37 = metres
inches ÷ 63400 = miles (statute)
inches ÷ 0.03937 = millimetres
inches ÷ 0.001 = mils
inches ÷ 36 = yards
inches of mercury ÷ 0.07355 = inches of water (at 4ºC)
inches of mercury ÷ 28.96 = kilograms/square centimetre
inches of mercury ÷ 0.0029 = kilograms/cubic metre
inches of mercury ÷ 0.0295299 = millibars
inches of mercury ÷ 0.01414 = pounds/square foot
inches of mercury ÷ 2.036 = pounds/square inch
inches of mercury at 0°C ÷ 0.0000295 = dyne/square centimetre
inches of water at 4°C ÷ 0.0004015 = dyne/square centimetre
joule ÷ 4.1868 = calorie (international)
joule ÷ 4.184 = calorie (chemical)
joule ÷ 4.1855 = calorie (15°C)
joule ÷ 4.1819 = calorie (20°C)
joule ÷ 4.19002 = calorie (mean)
joule ÷ 1.60219E-19 = electronvolt
joule ÷ 105506000 = therm (European)
joule ÷ 105480400 = therm (US)
joule ÷ 4185500 = thermie
joule ÷ 3600 = Watt hour
joule per square metre ÷ 41840 = langley
joules ÷ 1059.67 = Btu (British thermal unit)
joules ÷ 0.0000001 = ergs
joules ÷ 1.355818 = foot-pounds
joules ÷ 980700 = gram-centimetres
joules ÷ 2684000 = horsepower-hours
joules ÷ 96540 = international volt
joules ÷ 4186 = kilogram-calories
joules ÷ 9.804 = kilogram-metres
joules ÷ 3600590 = kilowatt-hours
joules ÷ 1.05506E+18 = quad
joules (absolute) ÷ 1.59E-19 = international volt
joules/centimetre ÷ 0.0000001 = dynes
joules/centimetre ÷ 0.0000981 = grams
joules/centimetre ÷ 0.09807 = kilograms
joules/centimetre ÷ 0.00138 = poundals
joules/centimetre ÷ 0.04448 = pounds
joules/metre (newton) ÷ 100 = joules/centimetre
joules/metre (newtons) ÷ 0.00001 = dynes
joules/metre (newtons) ÷ 0.00981 = grams
joules/metre (newtons) ÷ 9.807 = kilograms
joules/metre (newtons) ÷ 0.138255 = poundals
joules/metre (newtons) ÷ 4.448 = pounds
joules/second ÷ 1 = Watts (absolute)
kilo Pascal ÷ 101.325 = atmospheres
kilocalorie per hour ÷ 3024.117 = tons refrigeration
kilogram ÷ 0.000000001 = gamma (mass)
kilogram ÷ 12.70059 = quarter (2 stones)
kilogram ÷ 100 = quintal
kilogram ÷ 14.5939 = slug
kilogram per cubic metre ÷ 515.3788 = slug per cubic foot
kilogram-calorie ÷ 234000000 = gram-centimetres
kilogram-calories ÷ 2.39E-11 = ergs
kilogram-calories ÷ 0.000324 = foot-pounds
kilogram-calories ÷ 641.1 = horsepower-hours
kilogram-calories ÷ 0.0002389 = joules
kilogram-calories ÷ 0.00234 = kilogram-metres
kilogram-calories ÷ 860.5 = kilowatt-hours
kilogram-calories ÷ 0.8605 = Watt-hours
kilogram-calories/minute ÷ 1.43E-09 = ergs/second
kilogram-calories/minute ÷ 0.000324 = foot-pounds/minute
kilogram-calories/minute ÷ 1.01945 = foot-pounds/second
kilogram-calories/minute ÷ 10.68 = horsepower
kilogram-calories/minute ÷ 14.34 = kilowatts
kilogram-calories/minute ÷ 0.01433 = Watts
kilogram-metres ÷ 1.02E-08 = ergs
kilogram-metres ÷ 0.1383 = foot-pounds
kilogram-metres ÷ 100000 = gram-centimetres
kilogram-metres ÷ 273700 = horsepower-hours
kilogram-metres ÷ 0.102 = joules
kilogram-metres ÷ 426.9 = kilogram-calories
kilogram-metres ÷ 367000 = kilowatt-hours
kilograms ÷ 0.00000102 = dynes
kilograms ÷ 0.001 = grams
kilograms ÷ 0.4536 = lb (pound)
kilograms ÷ 1000 = milliers
kilograms ÷ 0.0141 = poundals
kilograms ÷ 0.4536 = pound (lb)
kilograms ÷ 6.3502936 = stone (British)
kilograms ÷ 1016.047 = tons (long)
kilograms ÷ 1000 = tonne
kilograms ÷ 907.1847 = tons (short)
kilograms/cubic metre ÷ 16.02 = pounds/cubic foot
kilograms/cubic metre ÷ 27700 = pounds/cubic inch
kilograms/metre ÷ 1.488 = pounds/foot
kilograms/square centimetre ÷ 1.0333 = atmospheres
kilograms/square centimetre ÷ 0.03048 = feet of water
kilograms/square centimetre ÷ 0.03453 = inches of mercury
kilograms/square centimetre ÷ 0.00254 = inches of water (at 4ºC)
kilograms/square metre ÷ 10332 = atmospheres
kilograms/square metre ÷ 10200 = bars
kilograms/square metre ÷ 136 = centimetres of mercury
kilograms/square metre ÷ 304.8 = feet of water
kilograms/square metre ÷ 345.3 = inches of mercury
kilograms/square metre ÷ 1000000 = kilograms/square millimetre
kilograms/square metre ÷ 4.882428 = pounds/square foot
kilograms/square metre ÷ 703.0696 = pounds/square inch
kilograms/square metre ÷ 9765 = tons (short)/square foot
kilojoules ÷ 4.186 = kilogram-calories
kilolines ÷ 0.001 = maxwells
kilolines ÷ 100000 = webers
kilometres ÷ 149597900 = astromical unit
kilometres ÷ 0.00001 = centimetres
kilometres ÷ 0.0003048 = feet
kilometres ÷ 9.46073E+12 = light-year
kilometres ÷ 0.001 = metres
kilometres ÷ 1.852 = miles (nautical)
kilometres ÷ 1.609 = miles (statute)
kilometres ÷ 0.000001 = millimetres
kilometres ÷ 3.08568E+13 = parsecond
kilometres ÷ 0.000914 = yards
kilometres/hour ÷ 0.036 = centimetres/second
kilometres/hour ÷ 1.8532 = knots
kilometres/hour ÷ 3.6 = metres/second
kilometres/hour/second ÷ 0.036 = centimetres/second/second
kilometres/minute ÷ 0.06 = metres/second
kilopascal (kPa) ÷ 6.894757 = psi (pounds-force/square inch)
kilopascals ÷ 100 = bars
kiloram-metres ÷ 367.2 = Watt-hours
kilowatt-hour ÷ 0.00000116 = calorie
kilowatt-hours ÷ 2.78E-14 = ergs
kilowatt-hours ÷ 0.000000377 = foot-pounds
kilowatt-hours ÷ 0.00000116 = gram-calories
kilowatt-hours ÷ 0.7457 = horsepower-hours
kilowatt-hours ÷ 0.00116 = kilogram-calories
kilowatt-hours ÷ 0.00000272 = kilogram-metres
kilowatt-hours ÷ 0.001 = Watt-hours
kilowatts ÷ 0.7457 = horsepower
kilowatts ÷ 0.001 = Watts
kms/hour ÷ 0.01829 = feet/minute
kms/hour ÷ 1.097 = feet/second
kms/hour ÷ 0.06 = metres/minute
kms/hour ÷ 1.609344 = miles/hour
kms/hour/second ÷ 1.097 = feet/second/second
kms/hour/second ÷ 3.6 = metres/second/second
kms/hour/second ÷ 1.609 = miles/hour/second
kms/minute ÷ 0.02682 = miles/hour
kms/minute ÷ 1.609 = miles/minute
knots ÷ 0.1943 = centimetres/second
knots ÷ 0.5921 = feet/second
knots ÷ 0.5396 = kilometres/hour
knots ÷ 0.03238 = metres/minute
knots ÷ 0.8684 = miles/hour
knots/minute ÷ 0.8684 = miles/minute
lamberts ÷ 0.487 = candle/square inch
lamberts ÷ 3.142 = candle/square centimetre
light year ÷ 1.06E-13 = kilometres
lines/square inch ÷ 6.452 = gauss
lines/square inch ÷ 100000000 = webers/square inch
lines/square inch ÷ 64500 = webers/square metre
litre ÷ 158.9873 = barrels (oil)
litre ( to hp ) ÷ 0.001 = cubic centimetre
litres ÷ 35.24 = bushels
litres ÷ 0.01 = centilitres
litres ÷ 28.32 = cubic feet
litres ÷ 1000 = cubic metres
litres ÷ 764.6 = cubic yards
litres ÷ 0.1 = decilitres
litres ÷ 10 = dekalitres
litres ÷ 4.54609 = gallons (Imperial)
litres ÷ 3.785412 = gallons (US)
litres ÷ 0.1183 = gills (US)
litres ÷ 100 = hectolitres
litres ÷ 1000 = kilolitres
litres ÷ 0.000001 = microlitres
litres ÷ 0.001 = millilitres
litres ÷ 0.02957 = ounces (fluid)
litres ÷ 9.091901 = pecks (British)
litres ÷ 8.809768 = pecks (US)
litres ÷ 0.56826125 = pints (British)
litres ÷ 0.5506105 = pints (US dry)
litres ÷ 0.4731765 = pints (US liquid)
litres ÷ 0.9463 = quarts (liquid)
litres/second ÷ 0.4719474 = cubic feet/minute
litres/second ÷ 12.74 = cubic yards/minute
litres/second ÷ 0.0630902 = gallons(US)/minute
litres/second ÷ 0.07577 = gallons(Imperial)/minute
lumen/square metre ÷ 10.76391 = foot-candle
lumen/square metre ÷ 10.76 = lumens/square foot
lux ÷ 10.76391 = lumens/square foot
lux ÷ 10000 = phot
maxwells ÷ 1000 = kilolines
maxwells ÷ 1000000 = megalines
maxwells ÷ 100000000 = webers
megohms ÷ 1E-12 = microhms
megohms ÷ 0.000001 = ohms
metre ÷ 1E-10 = angstrom unit
metre ÷ 1.828804 = fathoms
metre ÷ 1E-15 = fermi
metre ÷ 0.3048 = foot (singular of feet)
metre ÷ 1852 = nautical mile (international)
metre ÷ 5.0292 = perch (length)
metre ÷ 25.2929 = pole (area)
metre ÷ 5.0292 = pole (length)
metre ÷ 0.0000254 = thou (mil)
metre per second ÷ 0.5144444 = knots
metre square per second ÷ 0.000001 = centistokes
metre square per second ÷ 0.0001 = stokes
metre-kilograms ÷ 1.02E-08 = centimetre-dynes
metre-kilograms ÷ 0.00001 = centimetre-grams
metre-kilograms ÷ 0.1383 = pound-feet
metres ÷ 36.576 = bolt (US cloth)
metres ÷ 185.3 = cable
metres ÷ 0.01 = centimetres
metres ÷ 30.48 = chain (engineer's)
metres ÷ 20.12 = chain (surveyor's)
metres ÷ 20.11684 = chain (US survey foot)
metres ÷ 0.1 = decimetres
metres ÷ 10 = dekametres
metres ÷ 0.3048 = feet
metres ÷ 100 = hectometres
metres ÷ 0.0254 = inches
metres ÷ 1000 = kilometres
metres ÷ 0.000001 = microns
metres ÷ 1852 = miles (nautical)
metres ÷ 1609 = miles (statute)
metres ÷ 0.000000001 = millmicrons
metres ÷ 0.001 = millimetres
metres ÷ 5.02921 = rod
metres ÷ 0.9144 = yards
metres/minute ÷ 0.6 = centimetres/second
metres/minute ÷ 0.3048 = feet/minute
metres/minute ÷ 18.29 = feet/second
metres/minute ÷ 16.67 = kilometres/hour
metres/minute ÷ 26.82 = miles/hour
metres/second/second ÷ 0.01 = centimetres/second/second
metres/second/second ÷ 0.3048 = feet/second/second
metres/second/second ÷ 0.2778 = kilometres/hour/second
metres/second/second ÷ 0.447 = miles/hour/second
microfarads ÷ 0.000001 = farads
microhms ÷ 1E+12 = megohms
microhms ÷ 1000000 = ohms
micron ÷ 0.0001 = angstrom unit
mile (nautical) ÷ 0.1 = cable
miles ÷ 0.00000621 = centimetres
miles ÷ 0.00001578 = inches
miles ÷ 0.6214 = kilometres
miles ÷ 5.9E+12 = light-year
miles ÷ 0.000000621 = millimetres
miles ÷ 1.9E+13 = parsecond
miles (approx) ÷ 3 = league
miles (nautical) ÷ 0.0001645 = feet
miles (nautical) ÷ 0.00054 = metres
miles (nautical) ÷ 0.8684 = miles (statute)
miles (nautical) ÷ 0.000493 = yards
miles (statute) ÷ 0.0001894 = feet
miles (statute) ÷ 0.000621 = metres
miles (statute) ÷ 1.1516 = miles (nautical)
miles (statute) ÷ 0.000568 = yards
miles (US) ÷ 0.125 = furlongs
miles/hour ÷ 0.02237 = centimetres/second
miles/hour ÷ 0.01136 = feet/minute
miles/hour ÷ 0.6818 = feet/second
miles/hour ÷ 0.6214 = kilometres/hour
miles/hour ÷ 0.03728 = metres/minute
miles/hour ÷ 2.237 = metres/second
miles/hour ÷ 60 = miles/minute
miles/hour/second ÷ 0.02237 = centimetres/second/second
miles/hour/second ÷ 0.6818 = feet/second/second
miles/hour/second ÷ 0.6214 = kilometres/hour/second
miles/hour/second ÷ 2.237 = metres/second/second
miles/minute ÷ 0.0003728 = centimetres/second
miles/minute ÷ 0.01136 = feet/second
miles/minute ÷ 0.03728 = metres/second
miles/minute ÷ 0.1667 = miles/hour
mil-feet ÷ 106100 = cubic inches
milligrams ÷ 1000 = grams
milligrams ÷ 28349.523 = ounces
millihenries ÷ 1000 = henries
millilitre ÷ 15 = tablespoons (metric)
millilitre ÷ 14.78676 = tablespoons (US)
millilitre ÷ 5 = teaspoons (metric)
millilitres ÷ 568.26125 = pints (British)
millilitres ÷ 473.1765 = pints (US liquid)
millimetre ÷ 4.217518 = pica (printing)
millimetre ÷ 4.233333 = pica (computer)
millimetre ÷ 0.3514598 = point (printing)
millimetre ÷ 0.3527778 = point (computer)
millimetres ÷ 0.254 = caliber
millimetres ÷ 10 = centimetres
millimetres ÷ 304.8 = feet
millimetres ÷ 25.4 = inches
millimetres ÷ 1000000 = kilometres
millimetres ÷ 1000 = metres
millimetres ÷ 0.0254 = mils
millimetres ÷ 914.4 = yards
million gallons/day ÷ 0.646317 = cubic feet/second
millitres ÷ 550.6105 = pints (US dry)
mils ÷ 393.7 = centimetres
mils ÷ 12000 = feet
mils ÷ 1000 = inches
mils ÷ 39.37 = millimetres
minute ÷ 10080 = week
minute ÷ 526000 = year (mean over 4 years)
minutes ÷ 5400 = quadrants (angle)
minutes ÷ 3438 = radians
minutes ÷ 0.01666667 = second (angle)
month ÷ 0.2299795 = week
nanosecond ÷ 10 = shake
nautical miles/hour ÷ 1 = knots
newton ÷ 9.80665 = kilopond
newton ÷ 4448.222 = kilowatt-hours
newton ÷ 4.448 = pound force
newton ÷ 1000 = sthene
newton metre ÷ 0.0000001 = dyne centimetre
newton metres ÷ 9.80665 = kilogram-force metres
ohm ÷ 0.000000001 = abohm
ohm ÷ 0.000000001 = electromagnetic unit of resistance
ohm ÷ 8.98755E+11 = electrostatic unit of resistance
ohm ÷ 8.98755E+11 = statohm
ohm (absolute) ÷ 1.0005 = ohm (international)
ohms ÷ 1000000 = megohms
ohms ÷ 0.000001 = microhms
ounce (US fluid) ÷ 16 = pints (US liquid)
ounce fluid (US) ÷ 0.3382 = centilitre
ounces ÷ 0.0625 = drams
ounces ÷ 16 = pounds
ounces ÷ 32000 = tons (short)
ounces (avoirdupois) ÷ 0.1371429 = drams(apoth. or troy)
ounces (avoirdupois) ÷ 0.0020833 = grains (troy)
ounces (avoirdupois) ÷ 1600 = hundredweights (short)
ounces (avoirdupois) ÷ 1.09714 = ounces (troy)
ounces (avoirdupois) ÷ 13.1657 = pounds (troy)
ounces (British fluid) ÷ 20 = pints (British)
ounces (troy) ÷ 0.125 = drams(apoth. or troy)
ounces (troy) ÷ 0.032150747 = grams
ounces (troy) ÷ 0.9115 = ounces (avoirdupois)
ounces (troy) ÷ 0.05 = pennyweights (troy)
ounces (troy) ÷ 14.5833 = pounds
ounces (troy) ÷ 12 = pounds (troy)
ounces(avoirdupois) ÷ 0.035273962 = grams
ounces/square inch ÷ 0.5781 = inches of water (at 4ºC)
parts/million ÷ 17.118 = grains/US gallon
parts/million ÷ 14.2538 = grains/Imperial gallon
parts/million ÷ 1000 = grams/litre
parts/million ÷ 1 = milligrams/litre
pascal ÷ 100000 = bars
pascal ÷ 1333.2239 = centimetres of mercury (0°C)
pascal ÷ 98.0638 = centimetres of water (4°C)
pascal ÷ 98.0665 = centimetres of water (conventional)
pascal ÷ 98.0665 = grams force/square centimetre
pascal ÷ 3386.389 = inches of mercury (at 32ºF)
pascal ÷ 1000 = pieze
pascal ÷ 6894.757 = pounds/square inch
pascal ÷ 133.32237 = torr
pascal ÷ 0.1 = dyne per square centimetre
pascal ÷ 1.488164 = poundal per square foot
pascal cubic metre per second ÷ 0.000133322 = lusecond
pascal second ÷ 0.001 = centipoise
pascal second ÷ 0.1 = poise
pascal second ÷ 1 = poiseuille
pascal second ÷ 10 = rhe
pascal second ÷ 47.88026 = slug per foot second
pascals ÷ 100 = millibars
peck (US) ÷ 0.0625 = pints (US dry)
pecks ÷ 4 = bushels
pennyweight (troy) ÷ 0.04167 = grains (troy)
pennyweights (troy) ÷ 20 = ounces (troy)
pennyweights (troy) ÷ 240 = pounds (troy)
per metre ÷ 1 = dioptre
pint (British dry) ÷ 0.968939 = pints (US dry)
pint (dry) ÷ 64 = bushels
pint (US liquid) ÷ 0.002113 = cubic centimetre
pints (British liquid) ÷ 0.8326742 = pints (US liquid)
pints (liquid) ÷ 0.25 = gills (US)
pints (US dry) ÷ 1.032057 = pints (British)
pints (US liquid) ÷ 59.84 = cubic feet
pints (US liquid) ÷ 0.03463 = cubic inches
pints (US liquid) ÷ 2113 = cubic metres
pints (US liquid) ÷ 1615.9 = cubic yards
pints (US liquid) ÷ 2.113 = litres
pints (US liquid) ÷ 1.20095 = pints (British)
pound force (lbf) ÷ 0.2248 = newton
pound/cubic feet ÷ 0.06243 = kilograms/cubic metre
poundals ÷ 0.0000723 = dynes
poundals ÷ 0.07093 = grams
poundals ÷ 723.3 = joules
poundals ÷ 70.93 = kilograms
poundals ÷ 32.17 = pounds
pound-feet ÷ 7.38E-08 = centimetre-dynes
pound-feet ÷ 0.07233 = centimetre-grams
pound-feet ÷ 7.233 = metre-kilograms
pounds ÷ 0.00000225 = dynes
pounds ÷ 0.002204623 = grams
pounds ÷ 22.48 = joules
pounds ÷ 2.2046 = kilograms
pounds ÷ 0.0625 = ounces
pounds ÷ 0.03108 = poundals
pounds ÷ 32.17 = slug
pounds ÷ 2240 = tons (long)
pounds ÷ 2204 = tonne
pounds ÷ 2000 = tons (short)
pounds (avoirdupois) ÷ 0.822857 = pounds (troy)
pounds (avoirdupois) ÷ 14 = stone (British)
pounds (lbs) ÷ 112 = hundredweights (cwt (long))
pounds (lbs) ÷ 100 = hundredweights (short)
pounds (troy) ÷ 0.08333 = ounces (troy)
pounds (troy) ÷ 0.00417 = pennyweights (troy)
pounds (troy) ÷ 1.21528 = pounds
pounds (troy) ÷ 2430.56 = tons (short)
pounds of water ÷ 8.3453 = gallons (US) of water
pounds of water ÷ 10 = gallons (Imperial) of water
pounds of water/hour ÷ 83.333 = tons of water/24 hours
pounds of water/minute ÷ 62.43 = cubic feet/minute
pounds/1000 gallon ÷ 8.345 = grams/litre
pounds/cubic feet ÷ 62.43 = grams/cubic centimetre
pounds/cubic feet ÷ 0.062427 = grams/litre
pounds/cubic feet ÷ 1728 = pounds/cubic inch
pounds/cubic inch ÷ 0.03613 = grams/cubic centimetre
pounds/cubic inch ÷ 0.0000361 = kilograms/cubic metre
pounds/cubic inch ÷ 0.000579 = pounds/cubic foot
pounds/feet ÷ 0.672 = kilograms/metre
pounds/inch ÷ 0.0056 = grams/centimetre
pounds/mil-foot ÷ 0.000000341 = grams/cubic centimetre
pounds/mil-foot ÷ 3.41E-10 = kilograms/cubic metre
pounds/mil-foot ÷ 5.46E-09 = pounds/cubic foot
pounds/mil-foot ÷ 0.00000943 = pounds/cubic inch
pounds/million ÷ 142.86 = grains/US gallon
pounds/million gallons ÷ 8.345 = parts/million
pounds/square feet ÷ 2089 = bars
pounds/square feet ÷ 27.85 = centimetres of mercury
pounds/square feet ÷ 2.0481 = grams/square centimetre
pounds/square feet ÷ 70.73 = inches of mercury
pounds/square feet ÷ 5.204 = inches of water (at 4ºC)
pounds/square feet ÷ 2048 = kilograms/square centimetre
pounds/square feet ÷ 0.2048 = kilograms/cubic metre
pounds/square foot ÷ 62.43 = feet of water
pounds/square foot ÷ 144 = pounds/square inch
pounds/square inch ÷ 14.7 = atmospheres
pounds/square inch ÷ 14.5 = bars
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.1934 = centimetres of mercury
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.4335 = feet of water
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.4912 = inches of mercury
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.03613 = inches of water (at 4ºC)
pounds/square inch ÷ 14.22 = kilograms/square centimetre
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.00142 = kilograms/cubic metre
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.0625 = ounces/square inch
pounds/square inch ÷ 0.00694 = pounds/square foot
pounds/square inch ÷ 2000 = tons (short)/square foot
quadrants ÷ 0.01111 = degrees (angle)
quadrants ÷ 0.000185 = minutes (angles)
quadrants ÷ 4 = revolutions
quadrants ÷ 0.00000309 = second (angle)
quart (US liquid) ÷ 0.001057 = cubic centimetre
quarts (dry) ÷ 105 = barrels (US dry)
quarts (dry) ÷ 32 = bushels
quarts (dry) ÷ 8 = pecks (US)
quarts (liquid) ÷ 0.5 = pints (US liquid)
quarts (US dry) ÷ 0.5 = pints (US dry)
quarts (US liq) ÷ 29.92 = cubic feet
quarts (US liquid) ÷ 0.01732 = cubic inches
quarts (US liquid) ÷ 1057 = cubic metres
quarts (US liquid) ÷ 807.9 = cubic yards
quarts (US liquid) ÷ 1.057 = litres
radian (pi/200) ÷ 0.01570796 = gon or grade
radians ÷ 6.283 = circumference
radians ÷ 0.01745329 = degrees (angle)
radians ÷ 0.000291 = minutes (angles)
radians ÷ 1.571 = quadrants (angle)
radians ÷ 6.283185 = revolutions
radians ÷ 4.84814E-06 = second (angle)
radians/second ÷ 0.01745 = degrees/second
radians/second ÷ 0.1047198 = revolutions/minute
radians/second ÷ 6.283 = revolutions/second
radians/second/second ÷ 0.00175 = revolutions/minute/minute
radians/second/second ÷ 6.283 = revolutions/second/second
reciprocal metre ÷ 100 = kayser
revolutions/minute ÷ 0.1667 = degrees/second
revolutions/minute ÷ 9.549 = radians/second
revolutions/minute ÷ 60 = revolutions/second
revolutions/minute/minute ÷ 572.9578 = radians/second/second
revolutions/minute/minute ÷ 0.01667 = revolutions/minute/minute
revolutions/minute/minute ÷ 3600 = revolutions/second/second
revolutions/minute/second ÷ 9.549 = radians/second/second
revolutions/minute/second ÷ 60 = revolutions/second/second
revolutions/second ÷ 0.002778 = degrees/second
revolutions/second ÷ 0.1592 = radians/second
revolutions/second ÷ 0.01667 = revolutions/minute
revolutions/second/second ÷ 0.1592 = radians/second/second
revolutions/second/second ÷ 0.000278 = revolutions/minute/minute
rods ÷ 40 = furlongs
second ÷ 86400 = days (mean solar)
second ÷ 86164.09 = days (sidereal)
second ÷ 3600 = degrees (angle)
second ÷ 60 = minutes (angles)
second ÷ 60 = minutes
second ÷ 324000 = quadrants (angle)
second ÷ 206000 = radians
second ÷ 0.9972696 = second (sidereal)
second ÷ 604800 = week
second ÷ 31558150 = year (mean over 4 years)
shackle ÷ 15 = fathoms
siemens ÷ 1000000000 = abmho
siemens ÷ 1.11265E-12 = statmho
sievert ÷ 0.01 = rem
spherical candle power ÷ 0.07958 = lumen
square centimetre ÷ 0.00000507 = circular mils
square centimetre ÷ 6.452 = square inches
square centimetre ÷ 10000 = square metres
square centimetres ÷ 929 = square feet
square centimetres ÷ 10000000000 = square kilometres
square centimetres ÷ 0.01 = square millimetres
square centimetres ÷ 0.00000645 = square mils
square centimetres ÷ 8361 = square yards
square chain (Gunter's) ÷ 10 = acre
square feet ÷ 43560 = acres
square feet ÷ 107600 = hectares
square feet ÷ 0.00108 = square centimetres
square feet ÷ 0.00694 = square inches
square feet ÷ 10800000 = square kilometres
square feet ÷ 10.763915 = square metres
square feet ÷ 27900000 = square miles
square feet ÷ 0.0000108 = square millimetres
square feet ÷ 9 = square yards
square inches ÷ 0.000000785 = circular mils
square inches ÷ 0.155 = square centimetres
square inches ÷ 144 = square feet
square inches ÷ 1550000000 = square kilometres
square inches ÷ 1550 = square metres
square inches ÷ 0.00155 = square millimetres
square inches ÷ 0.000001 = square mils
square inches ÷ 1296 = square yards
square kms ÷ 2.589988 = square miles
square links (Gunter's) ÷ 100000 = acre
square metre ÷ 100 = are
square metre ÷ 8565.32 = morgen
square metre ÷ 25.2929 = perch (area)
square metre ÷ 1011.715 = rood (UK)
square metre/second ÷ 2.58064E-05 = square feet per hour
square metre/second ÷ 0.09290304 = square feet per second
square metres ÷ 4046.873 = acres
square metres ÷ 1 = centares (centiares)
square metres ÷ 9.86923E-13 = darcy
square metres ÷ 0.0001 = square centimetres
square metres ÷ 0.09290304 = square feet
square metres ÷ 1000000 = square kilometres
square metres ÷ 2589988 = square miles
square metres ÷ 0.8361274 = square yards
square miles ÷ 0.001562 = acres
square miles ÷ 3.86E-11 = square centimetres
square miles ÷ 3.59E-08 = square feet
square miles ÷ 0.3861 = square kilometres
square miles ÷ 0.000000386 = square metres
square miles ÷ 0.000000323 = square yards
square millimetres ÷ 100 = square centimetres
square millimetres ÷ 92900 = square feet
square millimetres ÷ 645.2 = square inches
square millimetres ÷ 1000000 = square metres
square millimetres ÷ 836000 = square yards
square mils ÷ 0.7854 = circular mils
square mils ÷ 1000000 = square inches
square rods ÷ 160 = acre
square yards ÷ 4840 = acres
square yards ÷ 0.00012 = square centimetres
square yards ÷ 0.1111 = square feet
square yards ÷ 0.000772 = square inches
square yards ÷ 1200000 = square kilometres
square yards ÷ 1.196 = square metres
square yards ÷ 3100000 = square miles
statcoulombs ÷ 3000000000 = coulomb
statute miles/hour (mph) ÷ 1.151 = knots
statvolts ÷ 0.003336 = volt (absolute)
steradians ÷ 12.57 = sphere
stones (British) ÷ 0.07142857 = pounds
tesla ÷ 0.000000001 = gamma (magnetic induction)
tesla ÷ 0.0001 = gauss
ton/square inch ÷ 0.007348 = atmospheres
tonnes (metric) ÷ 0.0453592 = hundredweights (short)
tonnes (metric) ÷ 0.0000284 = ounces
tonnes (metric) ÷ 0.000373 = pounds (troy)
tonnes (metric) ÷ 0.9071847 = tons (short)
tons (long) ÷ 0.05 = hundredweights (long)
tons (long) ÷ 0.0446429 = hundredweights (short)
tons (long) ÷ 0.000984 = kilograms
tons (long) ÷ 0.000367 = pounds (troy)
tons (long) ÷ 0.89287 = tons (short)
tons (short) ÷ 0.0011 = kilograms
tons (short) ÷ 0.0005 = pounds
tons (short) ÷ 0.000411 = pounds (troy)
tons (short) ÷ 1.12 = tons (long)
tons (UK long) ÷ 0.0000279 = ounces
tons refrigeration ÷ 0.0002843 = Watts
tons/square foot ÷ 1.058 = atmospheres
volt ÷ 0.00000001 = abvolt
volt ÷ 0.00000001 = electromagnetic unit of potential
volt ÷ 299.7925 = electrostatic unit of potential
volt ÷ 299.7925 = statvolt
volt/centimetre ÷ 0.3937 = volt inch
Watt ÷ 0.001163 = calorie (international) per hour
Watt ÷ 735.499 = cheval vapeur (metric hp)
Watt ÷ 1.162639 = frigorie
Watt ÷ 0.001496 = lumen
Watt (absolute) ÷ 1.0002 = Watt (international)
Watt-hours ÷ 2.78E-11 = ergs
Watt-hours ÷ 0.001163 = gram-calories
Watt-hours ÷ 0.0002778 = joules
Watts ÷ 0.2930711 = Btu/hour (international table)
Watts ÷ 0.0000001 = ergs/second
Watts ÷ 0.0226 = foot-pounds/minute
Watts ÷ 1.355818 = foot-pounds/second
Watts ÷ 100 = hectowatts
Watts ÷ 9809.5 = horsepower (boiler)
Watts ÷ 735.4988 = horsepower (metric)
Watts ÷ 746 = horsepower (electric)
Watts ÷ 745.7 = horsepower (UK)
Watts ÷ 746.043 = horsepower (water)
Watts ÷ 1000 = kilowatts
Watts ÷ 3517.2 = tons refrigeration
Watts per square metre ÷ 697.3333 = calorie (thermo)/square centimetre minute
weber ÷ 1.25664E-07 = unit pole
webers ÷ 0.00000001 = maxwells
webers/square centimetre ÷ 0.00000001 = gauss
webers/square centimetre ÷ 1.55E-09 = lines/square inch
webers/square centimetre ÷ 0.155 = webers/square inch
webers/square centimetre ÷ 0.0001 = webers/square metre
webers/square inch ÷ 6.45E-08 = gauss
webers/square inch ÷ 0.00000001 = lines/square inch
webers/square inch ÷ 0.000645 = webers/square metre
webers/square metre ÷ 0.0001 = gauss
webers/square metre ÷ 0.0000155 = lines/square inch
webers/square metre ÷ 1550 = webers/square inch
week ÷ 52.17857 = year (mean over 4 years)
weeks ÷ 0.005952381 = hours (mean solar)
yards ÷ 0.01094 = centimetres
yards ÷ 22 = chain (surveyor's)
yards ÷ 0.027777778 = inches
yards ÷ 1094 = kilometres
yards ÷ 1.094 = metres
yards ÷ 2027 = miles (nautical)
yards ÷ 1760 = miles (statute)
yards ÷ 0.00109 = millimetres
yards ÷ 0.0000278 = mils
yards ÷ 5.5 = rods (surveyor's measure)
yards/hour ÷ 2027 = knots

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Mistral Associates have made every endeavour to ensure accuracy and offers this collection of public domain data in good faith as a philanthropic gesture. However, users are reminded that even with data as seemingly established as units of measurement, with some (SI excepted) there can be differences of opinion as to precision and also of course there is the ever persistent problem of semantics. Mistral Associates therefore cannot and does not accept any liability for the consequences of use of the data shown on this web site. If application of this data is critical then Mistral Associates recommends that a certified source is consulted for verification. If you think you have found an error please give both your contemporaries and Mistral Associates the courtesy of letting us know here: Feedback

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