primary refrigeration load

The sum of the Structural and Product program sections produces the Primary Refrigeration Load.

The recommended Running Load (number of hours available for the Refrigeration plant to meet the Primary Refrigeration Load) is shown. This may be accepted or from 16 to 24 hours can be entered instead.

Running loads in excess of 22 hours should only be applied in blast freezer and blast chiller applications.

The sum of the Primary (A) and Running Load (B) is the Preliminary Refrigeration Load but this figure is not actually displayed on screen.

The recommended Unit Cooler Fan Load (C) will be shown after the Preliminary Refrigeration Load has been computed.

The recommended Unit Cooler Fan Load may be accepted or a different load can be entered. The Unit Cooler Fan Load must be from 2.5% to 15% of the Preliminary Refrigeration Load

The sum of the Preliminary Refrigeration Load and the Unit Cooler Fan Load is the Total Coldroom Refrigeration Load.