AI and Order from Chaos


AI, Artificial Intelligence, will never usurp human intelligence.
Apart from the issue that AI would forever be dependent upon plagiarism, and AI's very existence, if allowed to develop unchecked would therefore eventually disincentivize and destroy the source of knowledge that its Intellectual Property theft and plagiarism feeds upon.
Profit is a word that incites much ire and resentment from many of the very people who depend on it and who, frankly would probably not have been born, let alone nurtured and educated without it. Profit can never be fully embraced by AI. Why not? Because AI is not and never can be sentient. Unlike a human being it is not a living entity. AI therefore does not possess a conscience and thus an independent ability to reason, does not have ambitions or seek improvement, along with profit. And profit is the fuel that powers incentive and believe it or not - vice versa.
Another piece in this complex jigsaw puzzle which will always be a persistent paradox for AI, is chaos. AI's very essential functionality will be dependent upon resolving, seeking to deny, or trying to circumvent chaos. AI needs to do so, because it contains complex algorithms designed to make it simulate reasoned responses to input. AI already invariably demonstrates that when it reaches a brick wall, and is unable to reason or theorise to reach a plausible conclusion, it makes things up, effectively substituting lies for facts to fill enormous gaps in spontaneously created and uncorroborated virtual 'knowledge bases'. It’s perhaps not a good idea for companies like Airbus SE or Boeing or Tesla, or any other organisation with critical responsibilities for human safety, to utilise AI then!
For four decades our own intentionally relatively small but internationally renowned enterprise has developed totally reliable software systems which we would never pretend are anything as sophisticated as emerging AI systems, yet we depend upon the introduction of chaos, that is 'controlled chaos' into our logic processes so as to ensure they work reliably. Actually, infallibly! Pay us enough money and we'll tell you why and how. Be prepared though for a very, very long series of lectures. Along with an invoice! After all, we need to make honest profit in order to survive!
Chaos is the driver of evolution. The ONLY driver! 'Accidents' of imperfect gene reproduction are chaotic, that is to say emerging both unpredictably and randomly. Without chaos Charles Darwin's revolutionary but now easy to prove Theory of Evolution and 'Survival of the Fittest' crumbles. Without evolution planet Earth would still be a great place for occupants of the 'Primeval Soup', that is microbes, but little else. A sort of immense stagnant pool.
Without the natural process of human evolution understanding and importantly, identifying opportunities created by chaos, then exploiting them, that is EXPLOITING them for PROFIT, AI will stagnate and disappear. Let's all hope AI's other malevolent characteristics haven't first destroyed every human being and creature on the planet.
© Chris Latham-Smith Managing Director Mistral Associates 2023

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Bringing the benefits of computerisation to our industry - without the historically associated problems.

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