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It is a fact that over half of the Emails Mistral receives include questions that have absolutely nothing at all to do with Mistral's products or services. Not just Spam, and which thankfully little ever reaches us due to our blocking tactics, but sensible questions that might though best be answered by others. Such as by Microsoft or by printer makers for example. Of remaining questions almost ALL answers are found easily and quickly on this clearly indexed website.

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Program Installation - 5 Simple Bullet Points




Don't forget: If all else fails then reading the simple instructions might help. They are often always right!

click_on_the_bullets_below_to expand_explanations_ani.gif

s_bullet1.gifFind the download link Request Form.

s_bullet2.gifComplete the Request Form and submit it.

s_bullet3.gifClick on the Download Link and download TODAY's #Setup.exe file.

s_bullet4.gifWAIT! For Mistral's completion of both digital and manual checks.

s_bullet5.gifClick on the downloaded #Setup.exe file to start the installation procedure.


There are no alternative procedures to Bullet Points 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5) above.
It's that simple. You don't need to be a computer expert and you do not need to hire one to install the programs. spacer_transparent.gif Even simpler! bulletDo & Don't!


podium_icon.gif Don't forget! Access Codes can only be used to install once.
There is no point in having a security key if everyone can distribute copies!
Click to read more and how you can make multiple installations.

spacer_transparent.gifProgram Installation Advice spacer_transparent.gifScroll down arrow_down_green_icon.gif


Mistral's commitment:
Bringing the benefits of computerisation to our industry - without the historically associated problems.


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