My personal Hit Parade   In alphabetical order.       

      Archimedes (of Syracuse) Arnold H Glasow
      Isaac Asimov Mikhail Gorbachev
      David Bowie Frank Herbert
      Isambard Kingdom Brunel John F Kennedy
      Michael Caine Mark Knopfler
      Winston Churchill Stanley Kubrick
      Arthur C Clarke Isaac Newton
      John Cleese Florence Nightingale
      Le Corbusier Barrack Obama
      Marie Curie George Orwell
      Charles Dickens Johann Pachelbel
      Clint Eastwood William Shakespeare
      Albert Einstein Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky
      Euclid John R R Tolkien
      W C Fields Leonardo da Vinci
      Mahatma Gandhi H G Wells
      Charles de Gaulle Frank Lloyd Wright

A disparate collection perhaps, however these are the people, my heroes if you will, whose philosophy, life story or social contribution left the most profound impression upon me.

Some probably didn't like, or wouldn't have liked each other. The list is far from complete and few had related careers. I don't care. These were my principal 'influencers'.

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