Established in 1984, Mistral is proud to be widely considered the 'generic' software system provider for the refrigeration & air conditioning industry. In its domestic market, Mistral software is used by more than 85% of refrigeration & air conditioning contracting firms and programs have been distributed to over 25,000 users in over 140 countries around the world.

William Shakespeare

Click the Baird (or his beard) for more!

It is little known that William Shakespeare suffered from severe Adenoid problems. As a result he was frequently misunderstood.

What was subsequently perceived by learned scholars to be William Shakespeare's extraordinary wit was in fact merely down to his scribe getting it all wrong. The silly type face didn't help much either.

Not a lot of people know that!

From King Richard III

From Julius Caesar

From Romeo and Juliet

From Hamlet

From King Richard III again

Bottom No, not yours Madam. Kindly sit down!

There's even more. (sorry!)

From King Richard III. As with so many royals Richard III liked clubbing. A lot. He was also quite keen on stabbing, slicing, throttling and other popular pastimes of his day. It played havoc with his back!

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now is the winter of our discontent

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From Julius Caesar. Tight fisted Romans liked to hang on to their cash! They did invent it after all.

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friends, romans, countrypersons, send me your arrears

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From Romeo and Juliet. She never could remember where she left the car!

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romeo romeo where forecourt thou

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From Hamlet. Alas poor Yorick got right up his nose!

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shakespeare misunderstood by mistral

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From King Richard III. First his horse, then his kingdom. Just when things couldn't get any worse, his domain!

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Bringing the benefits of computerisation to our industry - without the historically associated problems.